Whats This All About?

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Berkeley, California, United States
Exercise and Traveling...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 1 - Cab Rides

Holy crap, that was the most exhilarating cab ride I have ever been in. The cab driver only knew enough English to tell us our price (we were ripped off) and to exclaim to us that he was a "Good Driver" as David and I cringed as he sped through a chaotic intersection. In Vietnam, the rules of the road are simple:

1. You don't stop at intersections, for if you do the chaotic flow of traffic will surely be interrupted and you will get honked at. 
2. If you are on a bike, yield to cars always, because they WILL run you over only seconds after you hear their honk. 
3. Use your horn at least 3 times per 10 second increment.
4. Don't stop for pedestrians, but do acknowledge them by going around them without decreasing your speed. 

These four simple rules pretty much sum up my observation for the day.

I am here now, in a pretty nice hotel, with pretty nice people, in a pretty nice city. As expected, the Pho was phenomenal. However, David and I went a little overboard on the spicy sauce and couldn't sip the broth out of the bowl like any self respecting Vietnamese person would do. 

I would write more but I am absolutely exhausted, the complete opposite of the hyperactive street pedalers that will attempt to shine your sandal if you will let them. 


First bowl of Pho

People like to relax here right on the side of the street


  1. I see you only add bean sprouts to your pho?!? Beware the spiciness in Thailand if you're already having trouble. Cheers

  2. Hmmm, David wears your Nirvana shirt very nicely.

  3. Haha this made me laugh! I JUST saw the link to your blog. Catching up now. Looks pretty cool so far :)
