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Berkeley, California, United States
Exercise and Traveling...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 12 - Capri

Sorry for the lack of updates the past 2 weeks. I have been busy and havent really felt like updating because I have been exhausted.

Right now I am waiting in the lobby while some of the girls I am with are getting Turkish Baths. Would love a massage right now but for 70 dollars I will have to pass.

The first picture here is of the island of Capri. Capri is a little island off the coast of Italy. There is a modern town there now, but in ancient times there were 6 Villas that the Roman emperors used to vacation to. Now it is just that, a tourist destination that everyone can enjoy.

First thing we did was rent a boat when we got there. It was resonably priced when split between 9 people. The boat was an absolute blast. We sailed around the island for about 3 hours. We stopped at ruins by the water, jumped off of 15 ft cliffs into deep trenches, and even got to swim in Grottos It was absolutly beautiful. By far the best part of the trip.

The whole island is pretty much a huge mountain that jutts out of the water. Some of the cliffs can be up to 2000 feet tall. They just dwarf you as you pass them by on a boat.

This was a natural archway that we passed under. The arch itself was probably about 50 ft tall, so you can get a perspective of the total height of this rock.
Here is a picture of the cliffs that we climbed to jump into the water. We didnt go all the way to the top but it was amazing to jump into crystal clear blue water.

Capri from the port. You can see the little town in the foreground. It was dwarfed by the cliff sides.

Will update again soon. I promise.

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