First picture is from the a veranda overlooking Rome. St. Peters Bacilla at the Vatican is by far the largest and tallest building in the city. It completly dominates the skyline from almost any vantage point in the city. It might be one of the most beautiful manmade objects (natures mountains own all) that I have ever seen from a distance. As always the pictures DO NOT do it justice, as it is larger than life and a masterpeice when you see if with you own eyes.
One of the more spiritual buildings we entered was the Pantheon. During the afternoon the sun raidiates through the hole in the roof creating an effect that makes you feel that the sky is watching over you. This is perhaps one the the best preserved buildings from ancient times. Almost 2000 years old! It was originally built to serve as a place of worship for the many dieties that the Romans believed in. Later during the spread of christianity it was converted to a Church to serve as a place of worship for one god. I cant describe the feeling you get as you walk in, the building is absolutley massive and was the
largest dome ever constructed for 1000 years.
Me and my buddy Chris clowning in the Pantheon.
This place was HUGE! Held 50,000 people (UCF Stadium) but built so long ago and still standing. When I look at it I cannot believe that engineers using first century technology could build such a structure. Massive rocks had to be lifted hundreds of feet in the air to build this.
Thousands of animals and men were killed at this very spot. Our professor told us that many north african animals probably became extinct because they were used for entertainment purposes during gladiatorial battles. There is also evidence that this place could hold water, litterally. Ship battles were reenacted in this center and it was able to hold up to 20 feet of water.
But that is enough of the history lesson. All I can say is put this on your list of places to go and educate yourself of roman history beforehand!
Today was perhaps the most tiring day so far. We walked probably around 5 miles in the heat and humidity because of metro rail strike, but saw so much cool stuff.
Being in rome with a group of really down to earth people has made my time here so much better. We have stayed up till 5 am almost every night drinking wine and talking about life. However that is now taking a toll on my body and I need to go take a nap to catch up on sleep. Goodbye, wish I could upload more photos but the internet is slow as mollases.
damn metro stike? that sucks dude. that pantheon sure does look incredible though dude. lemme know how europe reacts to the world cup final in your next entry. they appreciate soccer over there much more and im curious if there is any celebration.
ReplyDeleteHey Spencey Doodle looks like you are having tons of fun in Europe! I feel like I’m right there with you the way you write about it is captivating. I just got back from camp. Although it sounds like you are in the midst of a life changing journey I still wish you could have come. Luis did awesome he had three campers and his team made him team leaded. Everyone loved him. I hope that you are already planning for more travel but that next summer you will be able to come to camp too! I cant wait to see more updates love you and miss you tons!
Court I will definitially do that next summer if I am not out of the country again! Im glad you had such a good time. Europe is amazing and I know you would appriciate so much all the cool stuff I am seeing. Tell everyone I said hi! Love you girl talk to you soon!
ReplyDeleteShmo funny you say that cause I actually went to two world cup matches that were playing on the jumbotron in a park in Rome. All I can say is the Spain fans were amazing, they all were going nutts during that last goal and for the rest of the night we heard people chanting outside our window by our hotel. It was definitally an experience. Miss you brotha, hope you can join me next time I travel.
ReplyDeleteSpencer! I miss you so much! It really looks like you're having the time of you're life! Reading your blogs really makes me want to go to Europe. The pictures you put up are amazing :)Nothing new is going on here, The girls and I are moving out of the house in 2 weeks and I'm moving to Pines for a couple weeks before I leave for Maryland. I'm throwing a going away party next weekend and am sad that you won't be there :( but i would much rather be in europe than come to my party lol I really hope I get to see you before I move to Maryland! I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself can't wait to read your next blog! love you!
ReplyDelete-Val :)
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